4 Ways Nigerian security companies also offer customer-facing support

4 Ways Nigerian security companies also offer customer-facing support

Did you know that your security guards also provide customer service?

It is understandable that people look at security companies in Nigeria when they are thinking about physical security, crime, and threats. Security guards, however, do more than just wave guns or batons at bad guys. Generally, a security guard sit at the customer service desk.  They’re a part of your team, visible on-site, and engaging with customers and visitors.

This is why, at Sheriff Deputies, we strive to provide security guards that will also represent your business well. Your company requires a security guard who isn’t only tough-looking, but who can also present a good public image!

4 ways Nigerian security companies also offer customer-facing support

  1. Making a good impression

You certainly expect your employees to be clean and well-groomed, and that certainly extends to your security guards as well. The appearance of the employees should convey that your business is a high-quality establishment.  The high level of professionalism they display can directly affect the impression your business makes on customers and visitors.

  1. Welcoming customers

An ideal security guard should not be surly or intimidatory. Greeting customers upon arrival is a good way to appear friendly and personable.  If a guard stands at your door, they will probably be the first employee a visitor will seeIt will make a difference to the customer’s experience if the guard makes a great first impression.


3. Providing assistance

Whenever possible, our security guards are urged to help customers in need, as well as people outside the business.  It is fine to ask them for directions or assistance.  Nonviolent situations can also arise, like finding a lost child, where the security guard would obviously be the best candidate to handle the situation.

4. Providing a quiet deterrent

A security guard’s main role is to deter misbehavior.  Traditionally, this role is carried out by a polite, well-mannered, and well-groomed guard. It is possible to be helpful to guests while simultaneously conveying the message “don’t cause trouble.”.

Get Sheriff Deputies Guards

Among the best security companies in Nigeria, Sheriff Deputies prides itself on providing guards who are proficient in both security and customer service. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your security needs.