2017 BUSINESS SECURITY: How to Protect Your Business Premises in 2017

2017 business security

Are you going to give your business premises security a top priority this year?

In fact, what’s your business security plan for the year 2017?

Now that the year 2017 has come and as much as you are putting plans in place for the year, keeping your business safe and secure should be given a top priority.

This is because, no matter what business you are in, it is prone to the most common business security threats. And you probably have valuable assets you would want protected against threats.

What kind of threats are we talking about here?

Most Common Business Premises Security Threats

Security threats on your business premises can have negative effects on your business. And you know you wouldn’t want that to happen to your business.

Below are common business premises security threats you need to consider to give your business premises security a top priority.

  • Property Vandalism: This is one of the most common premises security threats that occurs when your business properties are damaged such as broken windows, damage to vehicles, etc, without permission. And having damaged properties displayed at your business premises is not (and never) good for business.
  • Property Theft: You probably have valuable assets at your business premises, but not only can they be vandalized; they can also be robbed by burglars or armed robbers. And you are aware of the value the assets have to your business, having them robbed…can cost more replacing them.

How to Give Your Business Premises a Top Priority

So, how do you plan and protect your business premises this year?

  • Consistent Security Assessment

Organizations have many reasons for taking a proactive and repetitive approach to addressing security concerns. Carrying out a security risk assessment aim to identify and quantify the security risks to the organization. This information is used to determine how best to mitigate those risks and effectively preserve the organization’s mission.

Therefore, you’ve got to carry out security risk assessment periodically to check for security loopholes in your business. You need to assess every component of your business security such as security guards, security systems, warning signs, security lighting, etc, to confirm if they need upgrading or replacement. The information gathered will enable you plan how best to protect your business this year.

  • Capable Security Guards

Businesses today have to deal with the reality that security threats such as thefts and other crimes can occur on business premises. Some businesses, such as banks (mostly) and retail stores, may be more of a target for criminals than other types. This is why a wide variety of businesses choose to hire security guards.

Security guards can be used to prevent crime, maintain security, and assist customers and employees. But not all your security guards presently are capable of this function, due to negligence on the job. This is why, to protect your business this year, you’ve got to assess your guards to identify the warning signs of security guard negligence. And any security guard caught exhibiting such security negligence should not be tolerated. In fact, should be fired and replaced with a well trained and equipped security guard.

Note that: Apart from protecting your business premises from risk and dangers, they can also serve other strategic unexpected roles that will strategically contribute to the accomplishment of the corporate objectives of your company.


Who knows what the year 2017 has in stock when it comes to business security. No one knows!

Understand that security threats on your business premises can present itself without notice, because no business, not even yours is immune to them, especially when it has to do with any one (or all) of the above threats.

That’s why it is VERY important to plan ahead of time. That is, you’ve got to give your business premises security a top priority this year, if you really want to protect your business in 2017.

With the above key areas of business security to focus on, you are sure on your way to a keep your business safe and secure this year.

And if you need help in putting the above measures in place, contact us now!

Welcome to 2017 and Happy New Year!