SECURITY ALERT: How Dependable Are The Security Guards In Your Premises?

dependable security guards

Are the security guards in your commercial or personal premises dependable?

Responsibility is the key to being a dependable security guard. There is no security without responsibility. Without responsibility, your clients can’t depend on the security provider to deliver the services they require.

Security guards are expected to ensure the protection of lives and properties under their watch. In other words, the safety of a client’s life and property is the responsibility of the security guard on duty.

Responsibility is the security guard’s ability to respond to security threats, dangers and risk that can harm the life or property of the client. A lot of factors can influence the security guard’s ability to respond.

When these factors are available for the security guard to properly respond to threats, dangers and risk, the security guard is dependable. When they are absent, the security guard will be unable to adequately respond when needed.

But what are these factors? That’s what we would be discussing in this post.

The Defining Factors of Dependable Security Guards

Managers and operators need to instill the principles of responsibility within the security team from day one. The following are how we nurture responsible security guards at Sheriff Deputies who are dependable and charged to deliver.

  1. Security Training

A dependable security guard is a trained security guard.  At Sheriff Deputies, we train our guards to do their jobs professionally. We make sure they have the skills and security training required to respond to situations, remain alert while guarding people and property, and file reports at the end of the day. When training is emphasized, it sets the bar for responsibility because everyone will have the tools and skills to do what is expected of them.

  1. Security Gadgets

At Sheriff Deputies, having the necessary security gadgets is an integral requirement for every security guard. By providing the essential tools and information they need to perform, our security guards are empowered to respond to unforeseen threats, dangers or risks while on duty.

  1. Teamwork

“We” is the most important word in the security industry. “We are a team,” “We are responsible for our client’s security,” “We are responsible for our success or failure.” At Sheriff Deputies, we always emphasize this one word because it has a significant impact on a security guard’s morale, commitment to excellence and ability to respond when most needed.

  1. Agility

An agile security guard is a dependable guard because he or she is swift to respond to threats, dangers or risks in your premises. At Sheriff Deputies, this is a criterion for recruitment of all our guards. A security guard that is sluggish or clumsy cannot respond adequately in the face of danger. A split second can make the difference between preventing a criminal or dangerous event in your premises.

  1. Intelligence

Ensuring the safety of lives and properties in a client’s premises requires some level of intelligence on the part of the security guards on duty. A major part of crime detection and prevention rests on accurate intelligence gathering by the security guard. Without being smart enough to detect nefarious activities in the premises they guard, crime can become a regular occurrence in such a place.


It’s one thing to have security guards in your business or residential premises, but that doesn’t guarantee that they are dependable. The ideas shared above are critical to hiring a dependable security guard in your premises. That’s who we are at Sheriff Deputies, we provide dependable security guards. To get started with us, click here for a free security risk assessment.